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PT. Skipper Global Garment a garment manufacturing service company located in Indonesia. At Skipper, we believe in using technology to adapt and stay ahead of the curve in the fashion industry. Our team is constantly innovating and finding new ways to use technology to improve our services.


Our values at Skipper include a commitment to quality, customer satisfaction, and sustainability. We are dedicated to providing fast, precise, and hassle-free service to our customers.


One of the things that sets us apart from other garment manufacturing companies is our no minimum quantity policy. This means that no matter how small your order, we are able to accommodate it. We understand that every customer has different needs, and we are here to help you get the products you need, when you need them.



Apa yang dapat Anda dapatkan dari Skipper?

  • Pelayanan dari A-Z mulai dari perencanaan, branding, konsultasi, sourcing bahan baku sampai barang Anda terima di tempat Anda dalam kondisi baik sesuai kesepakatan.

  • Sulit menemukan produsen yang tepat dengan kuantitas yang tergolong kecil? Kami memilki solusi untuk Anda dengan minimum quantity yang sangat rendah menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda dengan harga yang tepat, karena kami percaya semua yang besar pernah berawal dari hal yang kecil.

  • Kami selalu berusaha menyediakan layanan kepada Anda secara digital atau online. Anda dapat mengakses seluruh layanan kami tanpa harus membuang waktu Anda.



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